We don’t offer text-book solutions, but tailor-made concepts to strengthen your business sustainably. For us, every company is unique and deserves individual attention and individualized care. Raymon Deblitz, Managing Director

Our focus on Greater China allows us to build intercultural bridges from West to East and respectively. We help companies all around the world to improve their businesses on a daily basis. We enable transformation of corporate structures through sustainable optimization of strategies, processes and communication. And with all that in mind, we still center our attention around the individuals.

With already over 20 years of experience with regards to the Chinese market, comprehensive knowledge of markets and sectors, as well as an economic and political network of contacts, we assure our clients the best possible position to successfully build and expand their engagement in China. Our team includes experienced and specialized consultants with a variety of different competences in relation to different nations, provinces and tool-competences. We understand ourselves as a boutique for a variety of consulting services and like to share our knowledge and experience with our clients.

The academic work of our consultants at different institutes and faculties offers our clients the possibility to contribute to current academic discourses and use the most recent scientific findings to improve their businesses. In that way, our clients will grow as we are growing, and we will, likewise, grow with our clients.

The understanding of being a platform for growth, the joy of performing at the highest level and the fun of working together in teams all contribute to the positive development of our organization. That’s why we work passionately every single day. And that’s what our clients will notice.

Dipl.-Ing. Raymon Deblitz, VDI
Managing Director

As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” – Antoine de Saint Exupéry

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